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How to clear Hello Network’s achievements


How to clear Hello Network’s achievements

If you’re a fond user of Hello Network and want to jump from one achievement to the other, here are a few tips for you.

  1. Like pictures- the more pictures you like, the better your chances of completing your achievements.
  2. Post pictures often
  3. Join or create communities- joining or creating groups lets you reflect your interests in a certain location. Anyone who has unlocked the first achievement in the persona section has access to create a community.

Keep in mind that if you want to unlock an animal community, you must first achieve the persona. The same goes for other categories as well. If you want to unlock the mile high club, you ought to achieve the travel persona and so on.

Question: How does one unlock their first persona achievement?

Answer: The best and esiest way is to create a jot or a post and tagging people who are relevant. Remember to keep it real! Avoid spamming because you will only end up getting blocked

Note: You can only create two communities in a day


In case you did not know, there are also milestones that you can achieve on Hello. Milestones are achieved only when you undertake positive actions like liking (or clicking on the heart sign) commenting on jots or in community posts or even posting your own jots for that matter. The numbers of milestones achievable are numerous and each milestone on Hello will get you Karma points.

Don’t confuse milestones with achievements because achievements can be unlocked via performing special actions. Creating popular tasks can score you karma points too but they vary as these actions can be unlocked after achieving certain milestones. Give the app a try. It is available on iOS and Android. Users will guarantee you it is a fun way to connect and lead on social media.

Happy Networking to you!

What do you think?

Written by Jyoti Singh

Jyoti is a travel enthusiast who loves writing on different topics and loves exploring new realms. She is currently working with Freshticles as a blogger.


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