Each semester finals try to fry your brain and exhaust you, but there are ways to cope up with the stress and make your study time soothing. Check out this simple tip for calming your frazzled brain and increasing your brain power and productivity.

Sleep deprivation has a negative impact on your GPA. Students who pull all nighter perform very lower on an average. So, get those hours in!

Disconnect everything before bedtime. Distractions like Facebook WhatsApp must be avoided before bed. Keep your phone away from you before going to sleep.

What you eat also matters your proactiveness through your day while studying. You should include food like milk, egg, almonds, green leafy vegetables, fresh fruits in your diet. Binging on junk food is a big no because it will make you full and sleepy! You can eat small snacks during the day but keep it simple. Having water is also important

This totally depends on you. Music can help boost your focus and is also best way to distract any noise. Avoid listening to hip hop songs or any songs that contains words. Any Classical music has proven to improve spatial and linguistic process.

Keep your room tidy and your clothes organized. A messy environment can create an environment of anxiety which you want to avoid while you are studying. Take a good look once a while like look at the happy photos, flowers or your garden it helps to have positive effects on your mind and smoothens your studying time.

I know you are not a big fan of this, but it really helps to melt your stress down! You need to spend 10 to 15 minutes on this. Or even simpler than this would be taking deep breathes in and out for 10 mins. Oxygen helps your brain to be sharp and focused.
And lastly don’t fall apart! Loosing control of your emotions will cause you signs of stress. So, keep your anxiety level as low as possible and enjoy the process.
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